Other data used in the Annual Determination Letter
Timeline Compliance Prong II and CALPADS Monitoring Report 16.21
Other Local Auditing in preparation for Fall 1 2025
2025-26 Changes
When: Monday, April 21, 9:00am - 12:00pm
Where: This is a hybrid meeting. In-person will be held at the Sonoma County Office of Education, 5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA. If attending virtually, the link to participate will be sent one week prior to the event.
Audience: Special education data coordinators, SELPA-level staff, and CALPADS administrators are encouraged to attend, particularly those with access to CALPADS, the local Special Education Data System, and the Student Information System. Attendees should bring laptops if possible.
If you require accommodations per the Americans with Disabilities Act, please notify Sheri Roberge by April 4, 2025, at sheriroberge@sonomaselpa.org or (707) 522-3102.