Virtual Via Zoom
September 17th, 2024 - 1:30 pm
Intended Audience
This training will focus on building understanding of functions of behavior that are commonly seen within the classroom setting. Case studies and examples will be used to support participants analyzing behaviors across an array of severity to determine appropriate strategy selection.
Emphasis will be placed on how to match interventions and replacement behaviors to the function of behavior.
Participants Will
A Certificate of Completion is available for virtual trainings, in-person trainings, Special Training Opportunities and Technical Assistance Projects. This may be used to document professional development hours or applied towards the credential requirements for Education Specialist Level II non-university activities.
SCOE: 5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 or Virtual
September 19th, 2024 - 9:00 am
SCOE: 5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
October 4th, 2024 - 9:00 am
In this session, you will learn how to use district-level SEIS features, report special education data to CALPADS, and monitor for compliance. This session is intended for individuals who support special education data for the district.
SCOE: 5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 or Virtual
October 16th, 2024 - 9:00 am
SCOE: 5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 & Virtual
October 23rd, 2024 - 9:00 am
Virtual Via Zoom
October 23rd, 2024 - 2:00 pm
Writing Measurable Social-Emotional Goals
Intended Audience
This training introduces service providers to a framework that addresses social-emotional needs using an operationally defined and measurable system. This framework emphasizes conceptualizing the presenting issue into three categories: symptom, self-report, and coping skill. Definitions of these categories will be expanded upon, and sample Individualized Education Plan (IEP) goals will be discussed.
Participants Will
A Certificate of Completion is available for virtual trainings, in-person trainings, Special Training Opportunities and Technical Assistance Projects. This may be used to document professional development hours or applied towards the credential requirements for Education Specialist Level II non-university activities.
Virtual Via Zoom
November 1st, 2024 - 10:00 am
Intended Audience
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) estimates that more than two thirds of school aged children have experienced at least one traumatic event by age 16. This staggering statistic suggests that a significant number of students are likely struggling with mental health issues related to trauma. This training will teach therapeutic, evidence-based practice interventions for working with students who have experienced trauma. The trainer will break down the steps involved in a cognitive behavioral approach and will share resources and strategies for working with students in an academic setting.
Participants Will
A Certificate of Completion is available for virtual trainings, in-person trainings, Special Training Opportunities and Technical Assistance Projects. This may be used to document professional development hours or applied towards the credential requirements for Education Specialist Level II non-university activities.
SCOE: 5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 or Virtual
November 19th, 2024 - 9:00 am
Virtual Via Zoom
December 11th, 2024 - 1:30 pm
Assistive Technology Consideration (New!)Presenter(s)
Intended Audience
Assistive technology must be considered for all students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP). What does this mean for professionals supporting students in special education? What assistive technology should be considered? This training will describe the process of assistive technology consideration, examine commonly available assistive technology and explore how to effectively implement assistive technology.
Participants Will
A Certificate of Completion is available for virtual trainings, in-person trainings, Special Training Opportunities and Technical Assistance Projects. This may be used to document professional development hours or applied towards the credential requirements for Education Specialist Level II non-university activities.
Virtual Via Zoom
December 12th, 2024 - 1:30 pm
Intended Audience
The focus of this training will be on how to provide effective consultation to teachers within the school setting. It is often difficult to find ways to provide feedback, recommendations and supports for busy and stressed teachers. Honing your consultation skills is an art and can result in more collaborative and fruitful consultative relationships with the school staff that need support. Evidence-based interventions for consultation will be reviewed. There will be ample time for discussion and problem solving related to consultation barriers within the school setting.
Participants Will
A Certificate of Completion is available for virtual trainings, in-person trainings, Special Training Opportunities and Technical Assistance Projects. This may be used to document professional development hours or applied towards the credential requirements for Education Specialist Level II non-university activities.
SCOE: 5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
December 17th, 2024 - 8:30 am
Intended Audience
This training is intended for intermediate to advanced school-based practitioners who conduct autism assessments. The primary focus is to sharpen and expand assessors' ability to operationalize and collect observational data as part of a comprehensive assessment. This training will build capacity to identify and document obvious and subtle social and behavioral features of autism.
Participants Will
A Certificate of Completion is available for virtual trainings, in-person trainings, Special Training Opportunities and Technical Assistance Projects. This may be used to document professional development hours or applied towards the credential requirements for Education Specialist Level II non-university activities.
SCOE: 5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 or Virtual
December 17th, 2024 - 9:00 am
SCOE: 5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
January 8th, 2025 - 9:00 am
Intended Audience
Executive Functioning (EF) refers to a set of processes that have to do with managing oneself and one's resources to achieve a goal. It is an umbrella term for neurologically based skills involving mental control and self-regulation. It is now commonly believed that executive functions are essential for purposeful, goal directed behaviors and actions, and there is substantial evidence that academic achievement and appropriate executive function skills are correlated.
In this beginning level training, educators will gain a fundamental understanding of executive functioning and its impact on student learning and development.
Participants Will
A Certificate of Completion is available for virtual trainings, in-person trainings, Special Training Opportunities and Technical Assistance Projects. This may be used to document professional development hours or applied towards the credential requirements for Education Specialist Level II non-university activities.
SCOE: 5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
January 8th, 2025 - 1:00 pm
Executive Functioning Academy - Part 2: Assessment & Analysis
Intended Audience
Executive Functioning (EF) refers to a set of processes that have to do with managing oneself and one's resources to achieve a goal. It is an umbrella term for neurologically based skills involving mental control and self-regulation. It is now commonly believed that executive functions are essential for purposeful, goal directed behaviors and actions, and there is substantial evidence that academic achievement and appropriate executive function skills are correlated.
In this intermediate level training, educators will learn about the assessment and analysis of executive functioning skills.
It is recommended that participants have a fundamental understanding of EF to participate in this training. Participants are encouraged to take EF Academy Part 1 if they are early career practitioners, or if their understanding of executive functioning is at a beginner level.
Participants Will
A Certificate of Completion is available for virtual trainings, in-person trainings, Special Training Opportunities and Technical Assistance Projects. This may be used to document professional development hours or applied towards the credential requirements for Education Specialist Level II non-university activities.
SCOE: 5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 or Virtual
January 21st, 2025 - 9:00 am
SCOE: 5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
January 28th, 2025 - 8:30 am
Intended Audience
Comprehensive psycho-educational assessments are the cornerstone of any well-developed Individual Education Plans (IEP) and are essential for program planning. However, conducting assessments that are legally defensible and meaningful for students with significant needs can be especially challenging. Often, students with significant needs have difficulty participating in formal assessment measures and may even be deemed "untestable". This training will include strategies for how to gain relevant and meaningful information through a combination of formal and informal measures and the use of dynamic assessment.
Participants Will
A Certificate of Completion is available for virtual trainings, in-person trainings, Special Training Opportunities and Technical Assistance Projects. This may be used to document professional development hours or applied towards the credential requirements for Education Specialist Level II non-university activities.
February 12th, 2025 - 1:30 pm
Intended Audience
Dynamic assessment, you have heard about it but want to learn how to implement it in your practice This training will provide participants with guidelines for how to conduct dynamic assessment.
Participants Will
A Certificate of Completion is available for virtual trainings, in-person trainings, Special Training Opportunities and Technical Assistance Projects. This may be used to document professional development hours or applied towards the credential requirements for Education Specialist Level II non-university activities.
SCOE: 5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 or Virtual
February 19th, 2025 - 9:00 am
SCOE: 5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 or Virtual
March 26th, 2025 - 9:00 am
April 8th, 2025 - 1:30 pm
Intended Audience
There has been a steady increase in the number of students who are refusing to attend school. Chronic absenteeism and frequent tardies are significant problems that not only plague schools, but families as well. This training will help provide information on how to identify the reason(s) behind the student's school refusal (whether in person or while engaged in remote learning), and outline evidence-based practice interventions to help students return to class. Case examples will be offered to illustrate the various methods and intervention strategies. Attendees will have the opportunity to share their own case examples.
Participants Will
April 9th, 2025 - 12:30 pm
Intended Audience
George is having a hard time making friends. In conversations, he sometimes interrupts or changes the topic abruptly. He doesn't pick up on nonverbal cues and often misinterprets his classmates' intentions or feelings. In the classroom, he struggles to follow rules. He always seems to be in trouble. His classmates sometimes tease him. As part of an interprofessional team we are often asked to evaluate and intervene with students who, like George, struggle with social communication. This training will address what social communication is, how we assess it and evidence-based strategies for intervening. The training will focus on students who are in late elementary through high school.
Participants Will
A Certificate of Completion is available for virtual trainings, in-person trainings, Special Training Opportunities and Technical Assistance Projects. This may be used to document professional development hours or applied towards the credential requirements for Education Specialist Level II non-university activities.
SCOE: 5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 or Virtual
April 22nd, 2025 - 9:00 am
April 29th, 2025 - 12:30 pm
Intended Audience
George is having a hard time making friends. In conversations, he sometimes interrupts or changes the topic abruptly. He doesn't pick up on nonverbal cues and often misinterprets his classmates' intentions or feelings. In the classroom, he struggles to follow rules. He always seems to be in trouble. His classmates sometimes tease him. As part of an interprofessional team we are often asked to evaluate and intervene with students who, like George, struggle with social communication. This training will address what social communication is, how we assess it and evidence-based strategies for intervening. The training will focus on students who are in late elementary through high school.
Participants Will
A Certificate of Completion is available for virtual trainings, in-person trainings, Special Training Opportunities and Technical Assistance Projects. This may be used to document professional development hours or applied towards the credential requirements for Education Specialist Level II non-university activities.
April 30th, 2025 - 1:30 pm
Intended Audience
It is recommended that participants have a fundamental understanding of UDL to participate in this training. Participants are encouraged to take "Introduction to Universal Design For Learning (UDL)" prior to this training.
Universal design for learning (UDL) helps create inclusive and accessible learning environments for all students. By providing multiple means for action, expression and engagement, UDL allows for different learning styles and abilities to be accommodated. This leads to increased student engagement, motivation, and success in the classroom. This training takes a deep dive into understanding the three pillars of UDL (engagement, action & expression, and assessment). You will also learn how to create choice boards in each of those three pillars and have access to an extensive Padlet that contains ready to use resources for teachers to include on their choice boards.
Participants Will
A Certificate of Completion is available for virtual trainings, in-person trainings, Special Training Opportunities and Technical Assistance Projects. This may be used to document professional development hours or applied towards the credential requirements for Education Specialist Level II non-university activities.
SCOE: 5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 or Virtual
May 21st, 2025 - 9:00 am
SCOE: 5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 or Virtual
June 17th, 2025 - 9:00 am