The Adaptive Technology Center (ATC), through the use of low-incidence funds and in collaboration with Early Start agencies, can provide educationally related assistive technology (AT) equipment to children from birth to age 3 who have been identified as having a low-incidence disability (Severe Orthopedic Impairment, Visually Impaired, Deaf/Hard of Hearing). Additionally, the ATC has partnered with the North Bay Regional Center (NBRC) to provide AT assessments and services in the area of Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) to families of children with complex communication needs. This service is based on availability.

Accessing Equipment:

Assistive technology equipment requests for infants, ages 0-3, are initiated by the early start program or agency in Sonoma County serving students with low incidence disabilities. Requests are submitted to SELPA’s Low Incidence Equipment Review Committee by a designated representative from either the ATC or the SELPA’s Early Start Program.

For more information, please contact:

Andrea Wells
Phone: 707-524-2764

Accessing An AAC Assessment

AAC Assessments, Services, and Equipment are available, based on availability, to families of children with complex communication needs.

A referral for assessment and/or services is determined by the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) team and initiated by the child’s North Bay Regional Center (NBRC) (Maybe link NBRC here) Case Manager to the ATC. To submit a referral, please complete and submit the following to

Early Start Referral

Release of Information

Early Start Referral Step-By-Step

For additional information, please contact:

Tanya Mallan, ATC/AT Specialist