The SELPA Adaptive Technology Center (ATC) is a specialized resource center within the Sonoma County SELPA, dedicated to supporting students with low-incidence disabilities by ensuring access to appropriate assistive and adaptive equipment. Operating under our SELPA’s Low Incidence Equipment Guidelines, the ATC fulfills a crucial role in managing equipment resources and collaborating with service providers to meet the diverse needs of students.
Access to equipment through the SELPA Adaptive Technology Center (ATC) is determined by a low-incidence provider with specialized expertise in the student's area of disability through assessment and /or equipment trials. This process is formally documented as part of the student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) to ensure alignment with their educational needs and goals.
The SELPA Adaptive Technology Center offers a diverse inventory of assistive and adaptive technology available for trial use with students. Service providers with specialized expertise in the student's disability can submit requests to access items in our lending library. We provide short-term loans ranging from 30 to 60 days. The library features a selection of mid-tech and high-tech AAC/AT devices, as well as mobility and positioning equipment, to support students' unique needs.
For more information, please contact:
AT/AAC Equipment:
Debbie Anacleto
Positioning and Mobility Equipment:
Rudy Marticorena
The contact for equipment return, pick-up, or repair requests depends on the type of related low incidence equipment. Please refer to the information below for assistance:
Mobility and Physical Support Equipment
Contact: Rudy Marticorena
Communication Devices (AAC) & Educational Productivity
Contact: Debbie Anacleto
Vision Equipment
Contact: Neal McKenzie
Contact: MaryJuarez
Hearing Equipment
Contact: Susan Oliver
If you’re unsure which category your request falls under, please contact
Andrea Wells, ATC Supervisor at: