Low incidence funding is legally the responsibility of the SELPA, including accountability of how the funds are used; reassignment of specilialized books, materials and equipment within the SELPA; and sharing with other SELPAs. To meet this responsibility, a low incidence committee has been established and comprised of knowledgable educators of low incidence students, district and SELPA representatives. The LIERC utilizes the SELPAs established guidelines to consider all low incidence equipment requests. All low-incidence equipment requests are reviewed following the SELPA's Low Incidence Equipment Policy guidelines, ensuring equitable and appropriate distribution of resources through the Low Incidence Equipment Review Committee (LIERC)
Tracy Whittiker, Director of Student Services and Special Education, Bellevue School District
Jennifer Lux, Principal, Sonoma County Office of Education
Rudy Marticorena, OTRL
Susan Oliver, M.S.,CCC-A,FAAA
Christy Riddell, SLP, AT/AAC Specialist
David Van Mantgem, Teacher of the Visually Impaired
The Low Incidence Equipment Review Committee (LIERC) meets monthly from August through May to review all low-incidence equipment requests.
For additional information, contact:
Andrea Wells
Email: awells@sonomaselpa.org
Phone: 707-524-2764